Tuesday, May 19, 2009

coming to you via Windows Live Writer

1. 4.

Blog & Social Media Publishing Tool

These days most people either need to be or want to be online and I’m no different. I found a tool, Windows Live Writer that helps me manage my online spaces and online time. I’ve just recently began using it so I wanted to share. There are also many plug-ins available to help enhance the “Live Writer” application.

Here’s what I like about “Live Writer”:

  • I can work off-line
  • I can publish to multiple sites
  • I can incorporate pictures & edit them
  • I can change the fonts
  • Its easy to install & user friendly

So far there’s only one draw-back, I found. There are some sites that I use that I can’t publish to. I have found a couple of those do allow me to do a copy & paste from the “Live Writer” some even allow the pictures to be included.

The major blogs like: Blogger, WordPress, Live Journal, and such are supported. So all in all I’d say this has proven to be a very useful, time-saving tool.

If the link doesn’t work cut & paste the following Url: http://windowslivewriter.spaces.live.com


SquirrelQueen said...

You have a very lovely blog, I will be back a little later to look around more.

Live, Love, Laugh, Write! said...

I'll have to try that out! Especially since I publish 3 different blogs...

HeatherScent said...

I love Live Writer! When I wrote about it in my blog, one of the program writer's from Microsoft e-mailed me! Don't be surprised if you hear from him, too, because he said he tries to read every blog entry about Writer. He must do a search every day.

I didn't know there were plug-ins, I'll have to look for some. Thanks!